College Policies Regarding Drugs and Alcohol
Blinn College District is dedicated to providing a safe environment for students. The College District has created policies regarding drug and alcohol use. In the sections below, the policies listed are from the Student Code of Conduct.
The College District prohibits the possession of alcohol products or paraphernalia, including promotional materials, on College District premises. College District staff will issue a summons to any student found drinking, in possession of, or in the presence of alcoholic beverages, alcoholic containers, or paraphernalia on College District property. These students will face disciplinary action by the College District, as well as any penalties issued in accordance with Texas law. Individuals found to have violated the College District’s alcohol policy will be subject to discipline or criminal charges, even if the student is of legal age. Any student who appears to be intoxicated while on campus will be subject to College District disciplinary action. The student either will be subject to arrest or sent to the hospital for treatment. College District staff will not allow students to “sleep it off.” The District Police will determine whether a student’s behavior merits arrest or medical attention. Students in campus housing may not keep empty alcohol containers in any campus housing room. Alcohol containers found in a resident’s room will be poured out and confiscated. Students in campus housing are responsible for their visitors if the visitor violates this policy. District Police or the appropriate law enforcement agency may enter any residence hall when deemed necessary. If the student is a minor, law enforcement may issue a Minor in Possession citation. Students who violate the alcohol policy must complete an alcohol awareness course within 15 days of the date the Judicial Officer issues the penalty. If the student fails to complete this course within the time limit, the student is subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the College District and/or removal from campus housing.
The College District maintains a zero tolerance policy for the possession, use, sale, or distribution of narcotics, dangerous drugs, and related paraphernalia on any College District campus or property, and in any vehicle on College District property. Any student who possesses, participates in the use of, is in the presence of, under the influence of, uses, sells, manufactures, or distributes illegal drugs and/or mood enhancing substances will be subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal proceedings.
The College District prohibits drug odor and drug paraphernalia, including bongs, promotional materials, hookah pipes, clips, residue seeds, or any other items used in the preparation or consumption of illegal drugs and/or mood enhancing substances on any College District campus. Authorized College District staff, accompanied by independent contractors with canine units, may conduct periodic random room inspections to enforce the College District’s zero tolerance drug policy. District Police may confiscate illegal or unauthorized items. College District staff shall contact District Police to ensure proper handling of any items to be confiscated. Disciplinary or criminal charges may be filed against the student(s) or staff involved. Room inspections may encompass, but are not limited to, an individual room, whole apartment, or entire facility. A student found in violation of the College District’s drug policy must complete a drug awareness course. The student must complete the course, monitored by the Judicial Officer, within 15 days of the date the Judicial Office issues the penalty. If the resident fails to complete the course within the time limit, the student is subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the College District and/or removal from campus housing.
Mental Health Counseling Services
Blinn Counseling Services maintains a referral list of treatment centers and healthcare providers for those seeking help. Many of them have sliding scale fees or accept insurance. The Blinn College District’s group medical policy includes in- patient and out-patient coverage for these services. Confidentiality will be maintained.
See Board Policy Manual, FLBE (Local), FLB (Local) found on the Blinn website at, Board Policy Manual, or at
The College District prohibits the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance, as defined in state and federal law, during working hours while on College District property or at College District-related activities during or outside of usual working hours.
The use of illegal drugs or alcohol in the workplace has serious effects on employee health, morale, discipline, behavior, and job performance. Adverse job performance includes efficiency, productivity, attendance, safety, and quality of performance.
Blinn Counseling Services maintains a referral list of treatment centers and healthcare providers for those seeking help.
See Board Policy Manual, DH (Local), DI (Local), DI(Exhibit), and GDA (Local), found on the Blinn website at, under Faculty and Staff, Board Policy Manual or at